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Mediatorial Reign of Christ

James Dodson

A Covenanter flag bearing the recognition of Christ's Mediatorial Reign over the nations.

A Covenanter flag bearing the recognition of Christ's Mediatorial Reign over the nations.


“Neither doe I beleeve, that the Magistrate is not subordinate to the Kingdome of Christ, as mediator, but subordinate to God as Creator onely.”—Samuel Rutherfurd, The Due Right of Presbyteries.(1644).

Works on the Mediatorial Reign of Christ:

A Sermon Preached to the Honourable House of Commons-1644-Samuel Rutherfurd.-This sermon gives attention to the doctrine of God; the doctrine of the magistrate; and even hints regarding eschatology. By first expounding upon the Divine government, Mr. Rutherfurd is then cleared to consider what the character of lawful civil government ought to be considered. After all, as he points out, the magistrate is subject to a Higher authority and derives all that can be called power, by which he means lawful authority, only from God. This sermon then seeks to admonish and guide the members of the House of Commons to be dutiful in their administrations, even under such difficult times.

Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth:-1803-Alexander McLeod.-A discourse on the Mediatorial character of Christ and the importance of this doctrine with respect to the duty of nations favored with the light of the Gospel.

The Two Sons of Oil; or, The Faithful Witness for Magistracy and Ministry Upon a Scriptural Basis.-1803-Samuel Brown Wylie.-This small treatise constitutes one of the most readable and comprehensive expositions of the Reformed Presbyterian position with respect to the application of its principles on civil magistracy in the United States. Written in the early days of the republic, it shows that godless principles were incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.

The Divinity of the Saviour proved from the Nature of the Mediatorial Office.-1817-Alexander McLeod.-Arguing from the various facets of the exercise of the Mediatorial office, McLeod sets forth and defends the true and proper Divinity of our Lord. Though short, this article is very suggestive and explains why the mediatorial office necessitates the Godhead of Christ.

The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah.-1820-James Renwick Willson.-An excellent presentation of the doctrine of the Mediatorial reign of Christ and its implications for all nations and kingdoms. This is the Covenanter postmillennial vision.

Remarks on the Duration of Future Punishment.-1821-Samuel Brown Wylie.-In this series of articles, Wylie explains why there is no injustice in God for punishing what seem to be finite sins with an infinite duration. He reminds his readers that all sin is against an infinite God and His infinite majesty. There is, in this discussion, an excellent discuss of what makes the same physical action in one case virtuous and in another vice. Wylie moves from related topic to related topic, discussing particular redemption in some detail, including examining texts usually asserted to teach universal redemption. He ends with an instructive discussion of the nature of the Mediatorial reign of Christ and a philological assault on Universalism.

Review on the Mediatorial Reign of the Son of God.-1821-John Black.-In this article, Black interacts with several troubling theories presented by Dr. James Gray, an ardent enemy of Reformation theology. Black presents many helpful correctives to help the reader locate more correct views of the mediatorial reign of the Son of God.

Prince Messiah’s Claims to Dominion Over All Governments: and the Disregard of his Authority by the United States, in the Federal Constitution.-1832-James Renwick Willson.-Two essays: the first, examining the claims of Christ over the nations; and, the second, the application of these claims to the present constitution of the civil government in the United States.

Regnum Lapis, or the Kingdom of the Stone.-1841-Archibald Johnston (1793-1818).-Written both as part of his exercises for ordination and for the Argumentative portion of the “American” Testimony, this production was suppressed by "New Lights" because of its careful and discriminating exegesis of the doctrine of Christ's mediatorial reign and its implications.

A Review of the Views of Seceders on the Mediatorial Headship of Christ and George Gillespie.-1846-Anonymous.-Probably written by the editor of The Covenanter magazine (James M. Willson), this is the third article critiquing a union movement amongst Reformed churches at that time. In this installment, the author addresses sentiments expressed in their union document called the Basis respecting the Mediatorial dominion of Christ with important comments on George Gillespie's statements on Mediatorial headship of Christ.

Dominion of Christ.-1846-Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland.-A short article containing a statement from the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland on the duty of the magistrate with respect to Popery.

A Review of the Errors of Seceders upon the Head of Civil Magistracy.-1847-Anonymous.-This review, probably written by the editor of The Covenanter (James M. Willson), seeks to show Seceders, and those of their persuasion, that many of the best ministers of the Secession have not shared the extreme views of Adam Gib on the doctrine of magistracy. There are also some comments on why Seceders are wrong to claim George Gillespie.

Christ’s Headship.-1847-John McAuley.-In this first of three articles, McAuley discusses the identity of natural moral law with the Ten Commandments and why he understands magistrates to be deputies under Christ even though he admits the office itself flows from God as Creator.

Dominion of Christ: Part 1.-1848-John McAuley.-This second article of three defends McAuley’s position from charges of deriving civil magistracy from grace. In it, he also discusses and defends the idea of Christian magistracy and its relation to grace. His discussion of the two forms of the law (and the two covenants) and man's relation to each is of particular note and quite helpful to remember.

The Dominion of Christ: Part 2.-1848-John McAuley.-In this third article of his series, McAuley argues closely for Christian magistracy and shows that no magistrate can rule as the ordinance of God apart from Christ the Mediator. He also explains why this is true.

The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism.-1853-William L. Roberts.-An excellent overview of Reformed Presbyterian principles set in a catechetical form. Roberts covers many forgotten and neglected topics which are of important to the life and identity of the Covenanter church.

Jesus “Crowned with Glory and Honour.”-1855-Thomas Martin (1805-1879).-A catechism upon the various principles of the Reformed Presbyterian Church giving a clear and simple presentation of them together with a survey of its history with emphasis on the mediatorial reign of Christ.

Prize Catechism on the Principles and Position of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.-1858-Samuel Simms.-This catechism was written to set forth the principles of the Reformed Presbyterian Church amongst the churches. A production of the Irish RP Church, this small book contains a number of historical points peculiar to the Irish RP Church. While quite useful in setting forth the distinctive principles of the RP church, Simms is especially careful to press the practical claims of religious principles. While many bodies may profess adherence to a number of points held by Reformed Presbyterians, Simms makes clear only genuine Reformed Presbyterians are willing to practice their principles.

Christ's Mediatorial Dominion; or, What Our Standards Teach in Relation to the Headship, or Dominion of Christ the Mediator.-1863-John McAuley.-A short article by McAuley tracing the teaching of the Westminster Standards on the subject of the Mediatorial reign of Christ showing his change of mind from the Seceder position toward that of the Covenanters.

Messiah the Prince; or, the Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ.-1881-William Symington.-Here is a tour de force defense of the Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ over the nations by an eminent and able Reformed Presbyterian minister and professor. This contains an excellent overview and exposition of the Covenanter position on the subordination of the Civil Magistrate to Christ as Mediator.