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Samuel Simms (1812-1881)


Samuel Simms (1812-1881)

James Dodson

Biographical Sketch

Born in Ballykeel, Holywood, County Down, Ireland, in 1812. He was educated at the Old College, Belfast, receiving his General certificate and pursued his theological education at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Hall, graduating in 1837. Simms was ordained at Loughbrickland, in May, 1839. There, he served as the minister of that congregation until his retirement. In 1841, he married the daughter of John Reid, of Banbridge. He was forced to retire due to ill health, 1 November, 1870. He died 21st March, 1881. Simms authored several pamphlets expounding and promoting the distinctive views of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Among these was the Prize Catechism in which the principles of the Reformed Presbyterian church were set forth succinctly and which found wide acceptance and use in the church for many years.
