Public Warning Against Rev. Ademir Albino Moreira

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James McLeod Willson (1809-1866)


James McLeod Willson (1809-1866)

James Dodson

Biographical Sketch

Son of James R. Willson, born near Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, November 17, 1809. He graduated from Union College in 1829.  He studied theology under the direction of his father, and was licensed by the Presbytery, June 5, 1834.  He was ordained by the same Presbytery, and installed pastor of the First congregation of Philadelphia, November 27, 1834.  He was elected Professor of Theology in the Allegheny Seminary, May 31, 1859.  He authored numerous pamphlets and books expounding Covenanter principles.  He died at his residence in Allegheny, August 31, 1866.
