Public Warning Against Rev. Ademir Albino Moreira

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James Dodson

The Book with Seven Seals closed and opened.

The Book with Seven Seals closed and opened.


“There will come a time when in this world holiness shall be more general, and more eminent, than ever it hath been since Adam fell in paradise.”—Thomas Brooks, The Crown and Glory of Christianity. (1662).



A Sermon Preached to the Honourable House of Commons.-1644-Samuel Rutherfurd.-This sermon gives attention to the doctrine of God; the doctrine of the magistrate; and even hints regarding eschatology. By first expounding upon the Divine government, Mr. Rutherfurd is then cleared to consider what the character of lawful civil government ought to be considered. After all, as he points out, the magistrate is subject to a Higher authority and derives all that can be called power, by which he means lawful authority, only from God. This sermon then seeks to admonish and guide the members of the House of Commons to be dutiful in their administrations, even under such difficult times.

The Millennium.-1812-John B. Romeyn (1777-1825).-In this sermon, preached before a missionary society formed to take the Gospel to the American “Indian” population, Romeyn sets forth the doctrine Postmillennialism with great ability. His discourse forms a cogent argument for understanding the Millennium to be a time of great spiritual prosperity prior to the Second coming of Christ.

The Spiritual Illumination of the Gentiles, Coeval with the Conversion of the Jews.-1814-Archibald Mason.-An excellent Postmillennial sermon explaining the Biblical rationale for believing that the future conversion of the Jews will be accompanied with a worldwide spiritual illumination of the Gentile nations. While not having every matter in order, Mason does achieve his goal of demonstrating from Scripture the revival that will overtake both Jew and Gentile shortly prior to the Millennium.

Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation.-1814-Alexander McLeod.-An exposition of the first thirteen chapters of the Book of Revelation with an emphasis on Covenanter distinctives.

An Inquiry into the Times that shall be Fulfilled at Antichrist’s Fall, the Church’s Blessedness in her Millennial Rest,-1818-Archibald Mason.-Five discourses on prophetical subjects each containing many pious notes and counsels. Although his predicted time table has proved wrong at points, many of his observations remain true and await their proper time of fulfillment.

Appendix to an Inquiry into the Prophetic Numbers Contained in the 1335 Days.-1818-Archibald Mason.-This supplemental essay was written by Mason to defend his contentions regarding the beginning of the 1260 year apostasy. Particularly, he is critical of a paper written in defense of starting that period in 756 A.D. Much of his criticism revolves around his belief that civil power is not necessary for the constitution of Antichrist. In this, it is our belief that Mason was wrong; nevertheless, his discussion is helpful to studying prophetic numbers.

The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah.-1820-James Renwick Willson.-An excellent presentation of the doctrine of the Mediatorial reign of Christ and its implications for all nations and kingdoms. This is the Covenanter postmillennial vision.

Address to the Christian Public by a Committee of the Board.-1822-Alexander McLeod.-Here is a very interesting glimpse of McLeod’s understanding of the future prospect of the Jews. This address contains a mixture of then current events in the world of the Hebrews of the diaspora. One of the proposals was creating a society,, or village, for Jews that converted to Christianity since they were no longer welcome amongst their own people but were not able to assimilate with Gentiles.

A Sermon, on the Glory and Security of the Church of God;-1825-James Renwick Willson.-A sermon advocating an optimistic future for the church on earth and a call not to fret but to remain faithful is bearing testimony to the truth not compromising with error. In the end, the church will be victorious and the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.

Remarks on the Sixth Vial, Symbolizing the Fall of the Turkish Empire.-1827-Archibald Mason.-An exposition of the sixth vial and its relation to the rise and fall of Islam. Mason discusses the Turkish empire and its role in the unfolding of prophecy.

The Earth Filled with the Glory of the LORD. -1835-Samuel Miller.-A missionary sermon which is both description and prescriptive about the task of the church in evangelizing and the glory that will be its future. This is a sermon brimming with the kind of optimism that only the postmillennial vision can convey.

On the Millennium.-1843-Anonymous.-A series of articles setting forth the true doctrine of postmillennialists regarding the nature of the millennial kingdom of Christ. These articles also provide a very good critique of premillennialism, showing why it is wrong both in spirit as well as in Scripture.

Gog and Magog.-1852-James Renwick Willson.-In this short article, Willson discusses the identity of Gog and Magog. He relates them to the battle of Armageddon and the restoration and conversion of the Jews.

The Flying Roll.-1852-James Renwick Willson.-In this short article, Willson discusses the metaphor of the flying roll and its meaning for the times. He sees it as an emblem for Gospel times, toward the end of the apostasy, when ungodly powers are being brought to their knees.

Hebrew Antiquities.-1853-James Renwick Willson.-In this article, Willson explores the possibility that the ten lost tribes of Israel might be found amongst the tribes of native peoples in North America. His interest is related to the belief in the future conversion of the Jews. This article was picked up by several magazines and books on the subject.

Christ’s Second Coming: Will It be Premillennial?-1856-David Brown.-In the fourth edition of this book, Brown presents a thorough manual for classic historical postmillennialism. This book contains a devastating critique of premillennialism and its various peculiarities which have troubled the church through the ages.

The Two Witnesses. Their Cause, Number, Character, Furniture and Special Work.-1859-David Steele.-An excellent overview of the nature and mission of the witnessing church, especially during the reign of Antichrist. Many aspects of eschatology and testimony-bearing are addressed. A very important work of theology.

Come Out of Her.-1860-William Symington.-This sermon contains many hints to the correct interpretation of prophecy and clearly identifies the Papacy as the “Mother of Harlots.” Its excellence is in its exegetical content; however, the author had, by this time, succumbed to the vice of entering into “voluntary associations,” a practice condemned by our faithful Reformers and Covenanting forefathers.

Notes on the Apocalypse;-1870-David Steele.-A commentary on the entire book of Revelation from an historicist and postmillennial perspective incorporating the insights of Covenanting principles and a concern for the standards of the Reformed Presbyterian church.

The Second Advent Not Premillennial.-1883-Robert Wilson Patterson (1814-1894).-An article from the Presbyterian Review explaining why Premillennialism is not Biblical and also rejecting Præterism.  This article also articulates an eschatological hope compatible with Postmillennialism.

Messiah’s Second Advent.-1900-Calvin Goodspeed (1842-1912).-Baptist theologian Calvin Goodspeed presents a thorough and popular treatment of the subject of eschatology showing that Postmillennialism is the teaching of the Bible. One of the strengths of this book is Goodspeed’s careful exposition of many of the Scripture passages bearing on the topic.

The Post-Millennial Advent.-1900-Alexander Hardie (1841-1936).-This remarkable primer, by a Methodist minister, was praised by B.B. Warfield as being a “vest-pocket” defense of Postmillennialism. It is concise and notable for its exposition of Jesus’ “little” apocalypse.

Hand-book of Prophecy, Containing a Brief Outline of the Prophecies of Daniel and John, together with a Critical Essay on the Second Advent.-1906-James Stacy (1830-1912).-This is a very helpful handbook on Biblical prophecy written from a postmillennial and historicist point of view. Stacy condenses and simplifies many prophetic interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel and of John.

Are They Few that be Saved?-1918-Benjamin B. Warfield (1851-1921).-A masterful essay which explains why it is wrong to conclude from a few passages taken out of context that the final number of the saved will be meagre in comparison to the number of the lost.


Eighteen Sermons on 2 Thessalonians 2 on the Growth and Fall of Antichrist.-1679-Thomas Manton (1620-1677).-A series of Puritan sermons defending the Protestant doctrine that Rome is Antichrist and that the Pope of Rome is that Antichrist seated in the temple of God—the church. These were published posthumously with a recommendatory preface by Richard Baxter.

A Postscript on the First Principles of Protestant Apocalyptic Interpretation.-1701-Robert Fleming, the younger (1660?-1716).-This postscript contains six propositions and several corollaries defending both a late date (i.e., post destruction of Jerusalem) for the writing of the Book of Revelation together with several points identifying the character of the Antichrist.

Review of Moses Stuart's Præterism.-1871-Enoch Pond (1791-1882).-Professor Pond attacks several of the basic premises of Præterism with a particular examination of Moses Stuart's Commentary on the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse: When Written, and By Whom.-1871-Enoch Pond (1791-1882).-An essay on the dating of the Book of Revelation and its authorship. Pond also notes that præterism, as a system of interpretation, took its rise from the Jesuits and is, prima facie, anti-Protestant.