Parliamentary Works and Related Works
James Dodson

British House of Parliament.
“The power imposing this Covenant [i.e., the Solemn League and Covenant], was a Parliament, the Collective Body of the Kingdom; Duly Summoned, Regularly Elected and Returned; Rightly Constituted, and Readily Embraced by King and Kingdom, and animated with more than ordinary Parliamentary power, by the Bill for their continuance against all Casualties, so as not to be Prorogued, Adjourned, or Dissolved, without their own consent: And can any True-born English-man (in any measure acquainted with the constitution of this Kingdom, or the Authority of the high Court or Parliament) deny these to be a just and lawful Authority to resolve, order, and enjoyn, yea, and execute their Resolves, Orders and Injunctions, during the being of their power....”—Zechariah Crofton, The Fastning of St. Peters Fetters, (1660).
Works by and Related to the Work of the English Parliament:
1643-The Parliament.-An Act designed to gain a broader acceptance for the Solemn League and Covenant amongst the populace by commending its several ends as worthy of patronage.
1660-Anonymous.-Several reasons why the Parliament should be concerned to keep and uphold the various provisions of the Solemn League and Covenant.
1646-The Parliament.-An ordinance which divided one county into nine classes, or presbyteries. This was made in order to help the church establish workable presbyteries.
1646-The Parliament.-This is a resolution of Parliament commanding that all who come to reside in the quarters of Parliament take the covenant.
1646-The Parliament.-A series of questions put forth by the House of Commons to the Westminster Assembly in order to settle matters of church government.
1646-The Parliament.-The House of Commons writes on behalf of the covenanted reformation pressing the need to adopt Presbyterial church government and other advice from the Westminster Assembly.
1644-The Parliament.-This is the official Act for removing the Book of Common Prayer and establishing the use of the Westminster Directory for Public Worhsip throughout England and Wales.
1644-The Parliament.-An Act authorizing the removal of all things which violate the Scriptural, or Regulative, principle of worship from all houses of worship throughout England. This included all the liturgical garb, furniture pictures of Jesus or the Trinity together with the removal of all musical instruments.
1644-The Parliament.-An Ordinance which contains numerous specific examples of forbidden activity for Lord's day observance together with penalties for violations.
1643-The Parliament.-An ordinance which was passed prohibiting covenant refusers from holding office in and around London.
1643-Westminster Assembly.-A petitioning of the Parliament for the calling of a day of fasting together with a list of reasons for such a solemn humiliation.
1643-The Parliament.-An Act designed to see that the Solemn League and Covenant was subscribed throughout England and Wales including instructions for how to subscribe.
1642-The Parliament.-An Act against all unnecessary activities or business being conducted upon the Lord's day together with a condemnation of turning that day into a day of recreation.