Public Warning Against Rev. Ademir Albino Moreira

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James Dodson


MIAMI MEETING HOUSE, June 1st. 1857.

Presbytery met at the call of the Moderator, and was constituted by prayer.

Members present, Rev. J.J. Peoples, Rev. D. Steele, with ruling elders Messrs. William M’Kinley and John French. Messrs. Robert Mitchel, Thomas Fulton and M. Mitchel, of Illinois, ruling elders, being present, were asked to take seats as consultative members. They accepted the invitation.

Mr. J.F. Fulton was called upon to deliver the lecture and sermon assigned at last meeting. The specimens were approved. Petitions from Walnut Ridge, Indiana, and Macon county, Illinois, were granted as far as practicable.

Appointments given at last meeting had been fulfilled, and the seasons of thanksgiving and humiliation had been observed.

Ephesians 2:8, was assigned as the subject of a discourse to be delivered by Mr. Fulton, at next meeting of Presbytery.

Court adjourned with prayer, to meet this fall in the bounds of Brush creek congregation, at the call of the Moderator.

J.J. PEOPLES, Moderator.

J.F. FULTON, Clerk.